Private Detective Dengler Image

The Last Escape
S1 Ep1 | 1h 29m 5s

When a high-profile doctor is accused of rape, Dengler is hired to investigate.

Private Detective Dengler Image

The Twelfth Day
S1 Ep2 | 1h 29m 13s

Jakob's disappearance leads Dengler to a pastoral farm shrouded in brutality.

Private Detective Dengler Image

The Protecting Hand
S1 Ep3 | 1h 29m 8s

A nail bomb detonated in a residential area leads Dengler and Olga down a dark path.

Private Detective Dengler Image

Foreign Waters
S1 Ep4 | 1h 28m 22s

An investigation into the privatization of water brings Dengler and Olga to Greece.

Private Detective Dengler Image

Burning Cold
S1 Ep5 | 1h 28m 39s

Olga calls Dengler away from his family when her friend, a journalist, is killed.

Private Detective Dengler Image

Kreuzberg Blues
S1 Ep6 | 1h 28m 53s

A tragic incident leads Dengler to investigate what soon becomes a deadly property war.

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