Program: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries | Type: Full Video | Aired: 2024-05-01

The Blood of Juana the Mad

When the fresh corpse of a professor turns up in place of a cadaver in an anatomy lecture, Phryne and Jack need to work together. As they step around each other to investigate the murder and the disappearance of a valuable manuscript, a web of college pranking, politics and eugenics theory looks set to unravel. Not only do they solve the crime, but Jack and Phryne accept they work better together.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Australian television mystery/drama series that is based on author Kerry Greenwood's series of Phryne Fisher detective novels. Detective Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis) is known for her sharp wit and pearl-handled pistol, which she uses to fight injustice in Melbourne during the 1920s. She fights for justice for people who can't help themselves.

More Episodes

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Image

Murder and the Mozzarella

The strangling of an old lady happens in her restaurant’s kitchen.

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Game, Set & Murder

A female tennis player dies from a spider bite before she even steps onto the court.

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Death Do Us Part

A prize-winning scientist is murdered on the grounds of the Royal Observatory.

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Death at the Grand

A concierge is stabbed and pushed to his death from the rooftop of high society hotel.

The Blood of Juana the Mad